Ferrosilicomanganese is an alloy of manganese, silicon and iron. It is applied in metallurgy while in steel production for steel deoxidation and alloyage. The item is manufactured under support of DSTU 3548-97of the State Standard of Ukraine for МнС17, МнС22 (FeSi) grades.
Anode paste is intended for continuous self-baking electrodes production with reference to thermal-electric furnaces in ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy and chemical industry.
A friable substance just as flux is used in automatic and semi-automatic arc and electro-slag welding process. The arc burns and electro-slag welding process is executed under the flux layer.
Fluxes are classified by application, chemical analysis, structure, weld seam’s alloying level, production technology, dependence of slag ductility on a temperature.
The material from flaming slag has obtained "Nikrolite" appellation.
“Nikrolite” is only second to corundum and diamond in solidity
Crushed Stone is applied as filler for concrete, rail facilities ballast, while highways arrangement, for drainage layers producing, etc.
Abrasive material derived from ferroalloy slag is applied for metal surfaces cleaning.
Ferromanganese is an alloy of manganese and iron. It is applied in metallurgy while in steel production for steel deoxidation and alloyage. High-carbon and medium-carbon ferromanganese are manufactured under support of DSTU 3547-97 of the State Standard of Ukraine for ФМн78, ФМн88 (FeMn-78, FeMn-88) grades.
Knitwear Shop of TM “Nika” has been founded in 1993 with the participation of Italian “SIRCHE” Company. ТМ «Nika» carries out the development and production of the wide range of hosiery and seamless knitted garments. Classical style is the calling card of “Nika” Trade Mark.